Friday, December 13, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #85 Core Work for Powerlifters

This episode the duo speaks about core exercises for powerlifters. Are isolated core movements necessary for powerlifting? If so, what exercises are the best to utilize? This podcast aims to answer those questions as Andrew and Timmy take a stab at the subject.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, December 6, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #84 Star Wars and Disney+

This episode the duo gives their thoughts and feelings about the Disney+ streaming service! Andrew’s wife Becca also chimes in about what she thinks. A good amount of the conversation is about Star Wars (Mandolorian), but they also hit on the nostalgia factor of Disney. Is the service worth getting? Listen to find out!


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Monday, November 25, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #83 Carbs and Carb Loading

This episode the duo explains the importance of carbohydrates and how to load them for a competition. Are they necessary and does loading up before you step on the platform really work? Listen to find out!


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #82 Isolation and Compound Movements

This episode the duo chats about isolation and compound movements! They explain what each are and go over which one a person should tackle if they only have a limited amount of time in the gym. When are isolation and compound movements good and when are they bad? Listen to find out!


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, November 8, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #81 Becca Goes Vegan!

This episode the duo is joined by Andrew’s wife Becca! Last episode we got a sneak peak of how everyone’s 14 Day Vegan Challenge went. This episode we get more in depth about the journey and hear Becca’s point of view. We discuss if going plant-based is worth it and the answer may surprise you.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, November 1, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #80 Powerlifting Handlers

This episode the duo discusses the importance of a powerlifting handler! A powerlifting handler is the equivalent of a golf caddy and someone who takes care of you throughout your competition. They speak about what good handlers do and why it is better to have one than to not.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 25, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #79 Jiu-Jitsu with Jonathan Shipley

This episode Andrew’s jiu-jitsu partner Jonathan Shipley joins the podcast! Jonathan and Andrew started jiu-jitsu at the same time and share their experiences with 10th Planet in Huntsville, AL. Jonathan also compares his skills between his most recent competition and his first ever competition.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 11, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #78 Andrew’s First Jiu-Jitsu Competition

This episode Andrew brings the smackdown to his first ever jiu-jitsu tournament! Listen to how he preformed and what he thought about the overall scene. Timmy also tagged along and gives his spectator point of view during the podcast.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 4, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #77 Planners vs Doers

This episode Andrew smacks on his first ever homemade smoothie throughout the podcast. Besides that, the duo speaks on people that spend all their time planning versus people who get up and do something. What are the pros and cons of both? Listen to find out!


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 27, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #76 “The Game Changers” Thoughts and Opinions

This episode Timmy and returning guests Kyle, and Ashley go watch the one night only documentary “The Game Changers”. They fill Andrew in about how the documentary is about protein and that a growing number of professional level athletes are no longer getting it from animal products. Hear what they all have to say about the film and a plant based diet.



Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 20, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #75 Powerlifting on TV

With the growth of powerlifting in recent years, will the sport ever do well on TV? This podcast the duo gives their take on this question. They also dive into why watching a video of a lifter on Instagram doesn’t have the same electricity as seeing it live. At the end of the episode Andrew also gives us a review of his new favorite chicken wing spot.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 13, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #74 Training Myth Busters #3

This podcast we bust the myth of the “30-Minute Anabolic Window”. The anabolic window is a term used in strength training to describe the 30-minute period after exercise during which the intake of protein and carbohydrates can aid in the increase of muscle mass. Joining us on the podcast, to help discuss the topic, are life long lifters Rob Wess and Keith Payne.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 6, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #73 History of Iron Boy Powerlifting

This episode the duo sits down with the founder of Iron Boy Powerlifting Keith Payne. His daughter, Ashley Macon, also joins the podcast to chat about the beginnings of IBP. Learn about how the federation started and how it has morphed over its 20 year history. As Andrew would say, IBP is a federation built by the lifters for the lifters.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 30, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #72 Jordan Warren Hits Elite

This episode the duo welcomes Jordan Warren to the internet! Jordan’s last competition ended with a 1,575 lb total which earned him an Elite status in the 220 lb weight division. We chat with him about his training and goals. White Light/Red Light also returns and we learn Jordan likes pineapple on his pizza.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 23, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #71 “Westside vs The World” Thoughts & Opinions

This episode the duo watches “Westside vs The World” on Netflix! They comment on what they think about Westside and Louie Simmons, as well as how the overall documentary was made. Timmy discusses his experiences with Westside and the duo dips their toe in how they feel about the Conjugate Method.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 16, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #70 No Responsibilities

There is no denying that as we get older more responsibilities are added to our plate. These responsibilities often change the priorities in our life which makes training and lifting become a harder practice. This episode the duo dives in to why it is easier to achieve your goals while you’re younger than it is to wait until you’re older.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 9, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #69 Sports Specific Training vs Powerlifting Training

This episode the duo tackles the difference between training an overall athlete and training a powerlifter. They answer what training philosophies crossover, and what powerlifting principles can help other sports training.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 2, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #68 Reverse Searing Life

This episode Timmy shares the changes in his life! For the first time he’s moving to a different state. With the adjustment he has decided to start fresh with his diet and training routine. Meanwhile Andrew teaches us the ways of reverse searing a steak. Timmy’s sister, Ashley, also makes a guest appearance.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, July 26, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #67 Exercises That Suck!

This episode the duo goes on about exercises they hate to do in the gym. From box steps, to tire flips, to doing one set of twenty on squats, they list off exercises they can’t help but groan at when they pop up in the program. Andrew also keeps us updated on the latest food trends and enlightens Timmy about a joint called ‘Big Shakes’.



Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, July 19, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #66 Set Point Theory

This episode the duo raids Area 51 to find out what the government is hiding about Set Point Theory! explains that Set Point is the weight range in which your body is programmed to function optimally, and that Set Point Theory holds that one's body will fight to maintain that weight range. Shout out to Megan Smith for sending in the topic for the duo to express their opinions about.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, July 12, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #65 Spider-Man: Far From Home REVIEW

This episode the duo is reunited with the intro voice of Check My Total Kyle Macon! The crew reviews “Spider-Man: Far From Home”. SPOILERS, SPOILERS, SPOILERS! They dive into every scene and share their feelings about the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, July 5, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #64 Training Myth Busters #2

This podcast we bust the myth of “Spot Reduction”. Spot reduction refers to the claim that fat in a certain area of the body can be targeted for reduction through exercise of specific muscles in that desired area. “Training Myth Busters” is where the duos chooses a training or nutrition topic that is commonly believed but is completely false and explain why.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, June 28, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #63 Training Myth Busters #1

This episode the duo introduces “Training Myth Busters”! We will choose a training or nutrition topic that is commonly believed but completely false. This podcast we bust the myth of “Rack pulls being an ego lift”. Do you believe in this statement? If so listen to hear why you shouldn’t!


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, June 21, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #62 Deadlift Q & A and General Tips

The last part of our series with Kenneth Moody is here! This episode the duo answers questions about the deadlift. They chat about technique and ways that a person can help their pull. They also discuss knee sleeves, belts, people’s leverages, and Andrew even hits us with an inspirational quote.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, June 14, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #61 Squat Q & A

Kenneth Moody returns for part two of our three part question and answer series! This episode will focus on the squat. We cover technique and different ways you can squat, for example the front squat. The crew even trails off to speak about this year’s videogame E3 conference. Don’t forget to check out last week’s podcast where we chat about the bench press, and stay tuned next week for the deadlift!


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

IBP EVENT RECAP: 2019 IRON GIRL Championships

This episode we recap the Inaugural Iron Girl Championships in Easley, South Carolina! The event was held at Crossfit Bang Bang and joining us on the podcast is the owner Haley Gann. She introduces participants of the competition and everyone speaks about their experience over the weekend!

Our Website:


Check out this episode!

Friday, June 7, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #60 Bench Press Q & A

This episode the duo welcomes back Andrew’s college roommate Kenneth Moody! After being set back with a hip injury that required surgery, Kenneth has returned to the gym for the first time in over a year. Part one of our three part Q & A series with Kenneth will focus on the Bench Press as he asks the duo questions about technique. Stay tuned in the following weeks for the Squat and Deadlift!


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, May 31, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #59 Mental Strategies

This episode the duo speaks about how you can mentally prepare yourself to lift heavy weight. They focus on the topic of visualization and mention other techniques you can use to conquer the weight before even stepping underneath the bar. Plus Andrew shares a story about his trip to Whataburger.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, May 24, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #58 Brandon Arthur Hits Elite

This episode the duo welcomes back Brandon Arthur! Brandon comes off his last competition having hit 198 IBP Full Power Elite! We speak to him about how his day went and what kind of preparation he took to achieve the prestigious total. We also learn that the McChicken is superior to the McDouble.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, May 17, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #57 Common Deadlift Mistakes

This episode the duo discusses common deadlift mistakes! From bent elbows to beginning with the bar too far from your shins, they attempt to shed light on faults that are easily fixed. Andrew and T-Payne also share a couple advanced deadlift techniques.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, May 10, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #56 Avengers: Endgame REVIEW

This episode we’re joined by Kenneth Moody and the intro voice to Check My Total Kyle Macon as the crew reviews “Avengers: Endgame”. SPOILERS, SPOILERS, SPOILERS! We dive into everything and share our feelings about the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, May 3, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #55 Wedding Week Rambling

This episode we’re joined by Derek Elam as he and Timmy temporally move into Andrew’s apartment in preparation for the wedding. We get an update on Derek’s weight loss journey and he and Andrew even get a workout in. The podcast also has its last installment of “Wedding Advice for Andrew”.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #54 The Andrew Outro Compilation

It’s the episode everyone has been waiting for! You’ve been listening to him for a year and hearing all of his hot takes. Finally all of Andrew’s outro rants are in one place! The compilation includes all the outros from episode 1 to episode 52.



Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

IBP EVENT RECAP: 2019 IBP Tarheel State Powerlifting Championships

This episode we recap the 2019 IBP Tarheel State Powerlifting Championships in Belmont, North Carolina! We are joined by the Associate Executive Director of the YMCA Josey Messer and Bench Only competitor Michael Belk. They comment on how the competition went and how other competitors preformed.


Check out this episode!

Friday, April 19, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #53 USAPL Collegiate Nationals RECAP

This episode we’re joined by 2019 USAPL Collegiate Nationals competitors Lisa Benitez and Marshall Powell! We check in to see how they preformed at the meet and how they felt about their overall experience in Ohio. Richard Arroyo also rejoins the podcast to give us the spectator’s point of view of the weekend.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, April 12, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #52 One Year Anniversary + God of War Review

This episode the duo takes time to reminisce! They reflect on past episodes and the fun they have had while podcasting. From the guests to the life lessons learned, Andrew and Timmy would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the show! This episode they also welcome Steven West and Kenneth Moody to review PS4’s “God of War”.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, April 5, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #51 How Much Volume Do I Need?

This episode the duo has a conversation about how much volume a powerlifter actually needs. We are all trying to get stronger, but where does bodybuilding end and powerlifting begin? The duo sheds light on the optimal volume range a powerlifter should be in while training.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 29, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #50 Michael Belk April Meet Prep

This episode the duo has a conversation with NC Strength Sports & Powerlifting Hall of Famer Michael Belk! Mister Belk is readying up for the IBP Tarheel State Powerlifting Championships in April. His goal is to finally capture a 600 lb RAW bench press! We check in to see how his training is going and listen to his words of wisdom.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 22, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #49 Bulking and Cutting

This episode the duo has a conversation about bulking and cutting. They explain what the concept is and why constant alternation between the two can be detrimental to your gains. They also put into words what they believe to be the best way to go about bulking and cutting.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 15, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #48 Dox Powerlifting Miami

This episode the duo has a conversation with Dox Powerlifting in Miami, Florida! We speak with founders Richard Arroyo and Bryan Diaz. Richard and Bryan are both life long athletes. We check in to see what is unorthodox about their training and how they found the sport of powerlifting.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Monday, March 11, 2019

POWERLIFTING 101: Jefferson Deadlift

This episode of Powerlifting 101 explains Iron Boy Powerlifting’s new event the Jefferson Deadlift. Keith Payne and Rob Wess go over the specifics of the lift and how it will be added to the Odd-Lift Challenge.

Visit Our Website:

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 8, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #47 Powerlifting Singlets

This episode the duo has a conversation about singlets! They cover where they believe singlets originated and go over why it is important to wear one in competition. Plus they tell what kind of singlets they wear. If you want to know more history about the singlet check out Timmy’s article below!


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!


It’s easy to get flustered before stepping on the platform of your first powerlifting competition. Butterflies swirl around your stomach and your mind races a million miles per minute. Sometimes it isn’t even the weight that scares us. It’s being in front of a crowd in a singlet.

Where did these “unitards” even come from and why are powerlifting federations making me wear one? These are questions I’ve often wondered while I’m standing on deck, tugging down the pant legs of my singlet to make them just an inch less revealing.  

Let’s roll back to the nineteenth century. Numerous strongmen, such as Eugen Sandow and Apollon the Mighty, popularized lifting heavy weights in front of a crowd. These strongmen wore tight clothing and often only a pair of trunks while they preformed. The revealing uniforms were to show off their physiques and the origin of their strength. As they traveled from continent to continent more men became interested in these emerging public figures. It also prompted more men to challenge these figures’ feats of strength in order to prove who was the strongest of them all.

This growth in competition persuaded challengers to call for the regulation of lifting code. They wanted everyone to be on the same, even, and fair playing field. The cry ultimately led to the inclusion of weightlifting in the 1896 Olympics. Weightlifting would become a spotty occurrence in the Olympics until the mid 1900s. While challengers competed in the snatch and the clean and jerk they still did not lift in the standard singlet that we think of today.

The oldest sport known to man, wrestling, often influenced the attire of other athletics. The evolution of a wrestlers’ attire often goes hand in hand with the evolution of a weightlifters’ attire. In wrestling it is important to wear a tight fitting uniform because it is a rule that competitors are not allowed to grab the other’s clothing to use for leverage. It also allows the referee a non-hindered view in order to call when a competitor scores a point. This philosophy translated well to weightlifting because the judges needed to make the same calls based on the view of a lifter’s position.

Between the 1920s and 1930s it was common to compete bare chested while wearing full length leggings, or tights. Over these tights wrestlers would wear a “Black Tom” which was a black outside supporter. As the sport moved into the 1940s the tights would disappear and wrestlers would wear only trunks made out of wool. While the tights returned underneath the trunks for the 1950s it wasn’t until the mid 1960s that the NCAA banned shirtless wrestling.  Wrestlers now had to wear three pieces; a sleeveless top, full length leggings, and wool trunks.

Concurrently during the 1960s, weightlifting’s popularity started to decline which influenced then Olympic weightlifting coach Bob Hoffman to shy away from the sport. This was due to the attractiveness of “odd-lifts” and competitors wanting to prove their strength in competition alternatively to the snatch and the clean and jerk. Originally Hoffman opposed the change until September 5, 1964 when he organized the ‘Powerlifting Tournament of America’. The event composed of the squat, bench, and deadlift and consisted of 21 competitors that ushered in the United State’s first powerlifting competition.

It wasn’t until the following year, in 1965, that the Amateur Athletic Union held the first sponsored and sanctioned powerlifting meet. They disregarded Bob Hoffman’s tournament providing an open opportunity for all records to be set, giving the sport a fresh start. These early competitions saw lifters wearing the one-piece singlet that we are familiar with today. However regulations were still relaxed as some lifters wore loafers.

Moving forward into the early 1970s, the surfacing of the one-piece singlet increased. This was due largely in part to the NCAA lifting its ban on one-piece singlets for collegiate wrestling. Since then singlets have been a mainstay in wrestling, weightlifting, and powerlifting. Today, in most federations, singlets are necessary in order to set state, national, and world records.

I personally can say singlets are just a part of the norm. Once you get around the meet venue and realize other people are wearing singlets too it definitely makes it easier to walk around in your own. Putting on a singlet is almost like joining a fraternity, harkening back through its rich history and bonding you to the legendary strongmen of old. Plus, no one is going to make fun of you for wearing a singlet when you’re crushing Elite numbers.

If you still don’t feel comfortable in a singlet that’s okay! Iron Boy Powerlifting allows all youth, teen, and novice lifters to compete wearing a t-shirt and tight fitting shorts. We feel that it is important to introduce and to get new lifters in the sport. We don’t want a singlet to be the reason why someone can’t find their new passion.

Timothy Payne

Iron Boy Powerlifting

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 1, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #46 Belts. What Are They Good For?

This episode the duo tackles powerlifting belts! Are powerlifting belts necessary and what exactly are they doing for you to being with? Andrew and Timothy also cover what kinds of belts are on the market and what they believe is the best powerlifting belt to purchase.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 22, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #45 Derek Elam Weight Loss

This episode the duo has a conversation with Derek Elam! Derek has lost over a hundred pounds of body weight! He tells us how he accomplished the feat and why he started the journey to begin with. With losing weight also comes a conversation about nutrition, so of course we dive right into it.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 15, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #44 Equipped vs Raw Training

This episode the duo discusses the differences between training Equipped and Raw. With the methods being different Andrew and Timmy explain why you should or shouldn’t train a certain way depending on which method you’re doing. They help bring awareness to lifters about Equipped techniques that don’t necessarily work in the Raw world.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 8, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #43 Genetically Modified Powerlifting

This episode the duo discusses the future of powerlifting! With unbelievable advances in the world of science and technology Andrew and Timmy wrestle with what that means for athletics. Are Captain America Super Soldier Test Tube babies what we have to look forward to? Only time will tell!


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 1, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #42 Brandon Arthur

This episode we have a chat with the Bench Press Maniac Brandon Arthur! Brandon shares his goal to cut weight and attain a 198 lb IBP Elite Total in April. We talk about the steps he is taking to achieve it such as his training and how he is shedding pounds. Furthermore the bunch has a conversation about chicken and the George Foreman Grill.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, January 25, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #41 Fitness Gauntlet Finale

The podcast everyone has been waiting on… for awhile now. All the points have been in and all the events have been tallied! This episode we learn who won the Check My Total Fitness Gauntlet Challenge! Challenger Steven West joins the podcast and we would like to thank everyone that participated.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, January 18, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #40 Announcing and Scoring

This episode the duo travels back behind the scenes of a powerlifting meet. We’re joined by the Voice of Iron Boy Powerlifting Ashley Macon! As our resident announcer she gives us insight on what she does as well as how the rest of the scores table operates. We also answer a few questions that might arise at the table.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, January 11, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #39 Casey Buddenbaum

This episode the duo has a chat with first time lifter Casey Buddenbaum! He breaks down why being 6’6” still isn’t an excuse to have a bad bench press. We also ask him about his first competition and learn that he also throws it down on chicken wing challenges and Fortnite.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, January 4, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #38 Happy New Year!

It’s 2019 people! The duo tries out new recording software (ignore Timmy’s sickness) and give a short movie review of “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”. Although they’re not big into resolutions they share some New Year powerlifting goals anyway. PLUS: What’s the lifespan of a powerlifter’s career?


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!