Thursday, April 25, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #54 The Andrew Outro Compilation

It’s the episode everyone has been waiting for! You’ve been listening to him for a year and hearing all of his hot takes. Finally all of Andrew’s outro rants are in one place! The compilation includes all the outros from episode 1 to episode 52.



Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

IBP EVENT RECAP: 2019 IBP Tarheel State Powerlifting Championships

This episode we recap the 2019 IBP Tarheel State Powerlifting Championships in Belmont, North Carolina! We are joined by the Associate Executive Director of the YMCA Josey Messer and Bench Only competitor Michael Belk. They comment on how the competition went and how other competitors preformed.


Check out this episode!

Friday, April 19, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #53 USAPL Collegiate Nationals RECAP

This episode we’re joined by 2019 USAPL Collegiate Nationals competitors Lisa Benitez and Marshall Powell! We check in to see how they preformed at the meet and how they felt about their overall experience in Ohio. Richard Arroyo also rejoins the podcast to give us the spectator’s point of view of the weekend.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, April 12, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #52 One Year Anniversary + God of War Review

This episode the duo takes time to reminisce! They reflect on past episodes and the fun they have had while podcasting. From the guests to the life lessons learned, Andrew and Timmy would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the show! This episode they also welcome Steven West and Kenneth Moody to review PS4’s “God of War”.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, April 5, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #51 How Much Volume Do I Need?

This episode the duo has a conversation about how much volume a powerlifter actually needs. We are all trying to get stronger, but where does bodybuilding end and powerlifting begin? The duo sheds light on the optimal volume range a powerlifter should be in while training.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!