Friday, September 27, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #76 “The Game Changers” Thoughts and Opinions

This episode Timmy and returning guests Kyle, and Ashley go watch the one night only documentary “The Game Changers”. They fill Andrew in about how the documentary is about protein and that a growing number of professional level athletes are no longer getting it from animal products. Hear what they all have to say about the film and a plant based diet.



Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 20, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #75 Powerlifting on TV

With the growth of powerlifting in recent years, will the sport ever do well on TV? This podcast the duo gives their take on this question. They also dive into why watching a video of a lifter on Instagram doesn’t have the same electricity as seeing it live. At the end of the episode Andrew also gives us a review of his new favorite chicken wing spot.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 13, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #74 Training Myth Busters #3

This podcast we bust the myth of the “30-Minute Anabolic Window”. The anabolic window is a term used in strength training to describe the 30-minute period after exercise during which the intake of protein and carbohydrates can aid in the increase of muscle mass. Joining us on the podcast, to help discuss the topic, are life long lifters Rob Wess and Keith Payne.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 6, 2019

CHECK MY TOTAL #73 History of Iron Boy Powerlifting

This episode the duo sits down with the founder of Iron Boy Powerlifting Keith Payne. His daughter, Ashley Macon, also joins the podcast to chat about the beginnings of IBP. Learn about how the federation started and how it has morphed over its 20 year history. As Andrew would say, IBP is a federation built by the lifters for the lifters.


Check My Total is a powerlifting podcast hosted by Andrew Hinson and Timothy Payne! Listen to their hot takes on the sport as well as exclusive lifter interviews, meet recaps and whatever else is on their mind! Deadlifts, chicken nuggets, videogames, it’s all on the table!

Check out this episode!